2016年夏から中国、上海のChina Europe International Business Schoolに挑戦する日本人のブログです。本ブログの記事は個人の見解であり、所属する組織や団体とは一切関係なく、組織の公式見解等を示すものではありません。




アドミッションオフィス担当者:James Kent  kjames@ceibs.edu


(以下CEIBS HPの告知文引用)

CEIBS MBA Winter Coffee Chat Tour


Come meet our students in a small and exclusive communication session, to learn about Mainland China’s leading global MBA program, ranked in the world’s Top-20 by the Financial Times. Enjoy a cup of coffee on us while chatting informally with a CEIBS student representative.

Learn more about:
 • Why a Full-Time MBA vs. a local or part- time program
 • The exciting business and career opportunities in Asia - first hand
 • How is the Shanghai experience different from Europe or the U.S – and why is it the ideal city to launch a global career?
 • Why CEIBS MBA stands above other top tier MBA programs in terms of ROI
 • How our diverse alumni have leveraged their China expertise back home

Date and Location:
Sunday December 11th 09.30-11.00
Duet (Art Lounge)
Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo
2-2-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo
160-8330 Japan                     

To reserve your place, please email James Kent kjames@ceibs.edu specifying which winter coffee chat you would like to join along with your CV.